Fully automatic plaster machine means that compared with traditional manual plaster and semi-automatic plaster, it has the advantages of high automation, material sxunshouing, labor sxunshouing, cost reduction, large-scale production, and meets the requirements of national medical and health patch production. Specific configuration should be equipped with automatic paste blanking, automatic beach forming, automatic comxunshouite, automatic cutting. The thickness, uniformity, surface xsoothness and viscosity of the plaster meet the standard. It also covers a xsall area and has accurate temperature control.
膜压机医用贴膏机 加圈加膜透气全自动膏,机 鼻塞通窍贴膏,机的详细信息由河南振辰机械设备有限公司提供,该企业负责膜压机医用贴膏机 加圈加膜透气全自动膏,机 鼻塞通窍贴膏,机的真实性、准确性和合法性。迅收网对此不承担任何保证责任。
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